Jun 22, 2007
join the hive

Jun 21, 2007
Beer Chair

Has any one else become tired of having to walk all the way to the kitchen to pour yourself a draft beer? I know I have. Thats where the beer chair comes into play. All you have to do is reach over to the arm rest to get a refill. It has two taps and you can store a couple mini kegs as well as a CO2 tank right there in the chair. And of course it does recline, complete with a leg rest. If this doesn't get you starting you're own home-brew habit, I don't know what will.
the lawn sailor
Chairs of Destiny
Jun 20, 2007
Post-Auto Furniture
Jun 19, 2007
Bike Chute
The backyard bunker is for those seeking the kind of solitude only 10' of dirt can provide. Bonuses include a space for reading and natural light.
Jun 18, 2007

Well, can't beat the animal furniture, but here's a quick crack at some seating, storage things. Same module is repeated, can stack on top of each other to provide a nice little shelf, lined up in a row to lay down on. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!!!!!!!!!!
greg jones,
Lets get the ball rolling...

So this is a quick and simple one. I actually thought if it yesterday at the rebuilding center. I had always thought it would be cool to use a used door for a piece of furniture. I was thinking of making a bookshelf but a normal sized door is too big. Then I saw the bifolds for $3 each. For $9 plus a few 2x4s (the rebuilding center has some really nice reclaimed CVG fir) you have yourself a pretty easy, cheap, but good sized bookshelf.
furnathon '07 begins

Animal Collection
Forget a plaid couch and standard table sizes, this is the fantastical to be enjoyed as a part of everyday life. The animals would be rendered in any number of materials suited to the function-foam, wood, metal, plastic. The idea is meant to challenge our understanding of standard furniture design and to incorporate a symbolic note of the natural. Why can't we climb up to sit on 20' giraffe couch?
Jun 10, 2007
Furnathon 2007

Furniture Gang is a design/build furniture consortium in Portland, Oregon. Our outreach department has initiated an invitation to everyone to take part in out 5 day Furnathon; June 18-22. here's the reasoning and specifics:
Header: After months of solitude, working away on our private projects for our own gratification... furniture gang would like to reach out.
Rules: Create a new piece of conceptual furniture each day for five days to be displayed any way you like. Each night the entrees will be posted for review on our blog for review by the community.
Reasons: We need more chances to do no holds barred design just for the fun of it.
It's a practice in free form design without the restrictions of reality.
It's a race to see what you can come up with on a daily basis.
It's a challenge to how we live and occupy space and to explore those flashes of inventiveness that usually get ignored or unexplored.
the image that started it all

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