Furniture Gang is a design/build furniture consortium in Portland, Oregon. Our outreach department has initiated an invitation to everyone to take part in out 5 day Furnathon; June 18-22. here's the reasoning and specifics:
Header: After months of solitude, working away on our private projects for our own gratification... furniture gang would like to reach out.
Rules: Create a new piece of conceptual furniture each day for five days to be displayed any way you like. Each night the entrees will be posted for review on our blog for review by the community.
Reasons: We need more chances to do no holds barred design just for the fun of it.
It's a practice in free form design without the restrictions of reality.
It's a race to see what you can come up with on a daily basis.
It's a challenge to how we live and occupy space and to explore those flashes of inventiveness that usually get ignored or unexplored.
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